November 28-29th 2023
Multiplier event in Paris (France)
Following the transnational meeting that was organized the day before, Interactive 4D and several partners attended a big professional event dedicated to care givers that took place in Paris on November 28th-29th 2023: Salon des services à la personne et de l’emploi à domicile / Silver Economy Expo. Interactive 4D held a booth and organized several workshops/conferences where the Game4CoSkills project and its game were presented and where participants could test the game.

November 27th 2023
Transnational project meeting in Paris (France)
This transnational meeting was organized in Paris (France) on November 27th 2023 at the office of the French partner and coordinator, Interactive 4D. The meeting was mainly dedicated to the review of all project results, of the multiplier events and pilot tests.

November 2023
Publication of a scientific article
Publication in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (DovePress) of a collective scientific article entitled “Protocol for the Development and Assessment of a Non-Pharmacological Intervention Designed to Improve Cognitive Skills of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Mixed Method Design”.
This paper describes the steps of a protocol for developing and assessing a non-pharmacological intervention, specifically a Serious Game, with the goal of improving eight cognitive skills in adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
Click here to read this article on Dovepress or here to read it on PubMed.

July 5th 2023
Transnational project meeting in Thessaloniki (Greece)
This transnational meeting was organized in Thessaloniki (Italy) on July 5th 2023 at the office of the Greek partner Alzheimer Hellas. The meeting was mainly dedicated to the review of the project results R1 (Cognitive skills development and concept teaching scenarios), R2 (Game4CoSkills game) and R3 (Trainers’ toolkit).

January 5th 2023
Transnational project meeting in Potenza (Italy)
This transnational meeting was organized in Potenza (Italy) on January 5th 2023 at the office of the Italian partner Euro-Net. The meeting was mainly dedicated to the fine-tuning of the scenario of the 8 categories of mini-games (colour, memory, math, accuracy, logic, dexterity, multitasking, attention to details) and to the structure of the gaming platform.

January 6th 2022
Kick-Off meeting
The Kick-Off project meeting took place on the 6th of January 2022 and was held virtually online due to Covid- 19 restrictions.
Partners introduced themselves and their organisations, starting a discussion on project development and the projects results.
The partners agreed on next steps and actions to be taken.